Agera distribution

Agera distribution

Sin Dios, 1991 - 1997 Años De Autogestión Parte I - LP

Sin Dios, 1991 - 1997 Años De Autogestión Parte I - LP

Spanish anarcho punk legends. super nice condition and comes with the beautiful poster and booklet.

430 SEK

Tragedy / Totalitär, split 7

Tragedy / Totalitär, split 7"

95 SEK

Coprofilia, Latinoamerica: Una Lucha Incansable Contra El Poder - 7

Coprofilia, Latinoamerica: Una Lucha Incansable Contra El Poder - 7"

35 SEK

@patia No / Fallas Del Sistema split 10

@patia No / Fallas Del Sistema split 10"

""Southamerican anarcho punk attack delivered by 2 dedicated bands! This is actually a split where I can't tell which band I prefer. They're both a brand of their own and deliver fucking excellent uptempo hardcorepunk! Apatia No storming through 6 raging tracks with fe/male vocals. Melodic stomping and fast and aggressive. Lyrix dealing mostly with the "problems" that you're facing if you trying to move from a so-called "3rd World country" into the rich and privilegded world of the "western civilization. Fallas Del Sistema from Mexico are more midtempo based with downtuned guitars. Aggressive and desperate. Lyrix getting delivered by 2 singers, who shout out their anger and rage. The record is wrapped into a beautiful designed fold out poster. Lyrix are translated into english. This is a record that has spirit and is one of those that keeps me going!" (Skuld Releases MailOrder Catalogue, Germany)"

65 SEK

Piracy is liberation 007. Spiders pt.1 - book

Piracy is liberation 007. Spiders pt.1 - book

The gods are real, but most of them are dead. Pirate learns this and many more secrets from the anarchists in the desert as he gets his new assignment. Something is moving on the net. Some kind of entities seem to be interfering with its users. Are these signs of the birth of a new god, or is it something else entirely? And how does it affect the plans for the Information Upgrade that the anarchists are planning? We also get some insight into everyday religious life in the City through the surveillance cameras of a Shopping Temple…

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 002. Infotrip - book

Piracy is liberation 002. Infotrip - book

Story and art by Mattias Elforp. Set a year after the first book, we follow Pirate and Information as they rejoin the fight for freedom in the City that is the entire world to its inhabitants. Back in the free and illegal flow of information after a year without it, Pirate and Information are almost overwhelmed, but that's ok. It's part of the high. This all leads up to an event of great importance for the resistance. It's the beginning of something new, a seed for the future.

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

ffliction / Sin Dios / Dir Yassin / Kobayashi – Split

ffliction / Sin Dios / Dir Yassin / Kobayashi – Split "Genova 2001" 7"

30 SEK

Piracy is liberation 005. Free section - book

Piracy is liberation 005. Free section - book

What happens when the rules suddenly change, when law and order are put out of the picture? When the police can do nothing but watch as people party in the streets? What happens when even the rules of reality can be broken? What does it mean to go Outside for the first time? These are stories from the Free Section and beyond…

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Uprising / Contravene, split 7

Uprising / Contravene, split 7"

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Work: Capitalism. Economics. Resistance - Book

Work: Capitalism. Economics. Resistance - Book

By itself, this is a book about work, but it's also more than that. It is an outline of an analysis of capitalism: what it is, how it works, how we might dis-mantle it. And the book and the analysis are outgrowths of something more a movement of people determined to fight it.

So this book isn't just an attempt to describe reality but also a tool with which to change it. If any of the words or illustrations resonate with you, don't leave them trapped on these pages write them on the wall, shout them over the intercom at your former workplace, change them as you see fit and release them into the world.

This project is the combined effort of a group of people who have already spent many years in pitched struggle against capitalism. What qualifies us to write this? Some of us used to be students or pizza deliverers or dishwashers; others still are construction workers or graphic designers or civic-minded criminals. But all of us have lived under capitalism since we were born, and that makes us experts on it. The same goes for you. No one has to have a degree in economics to understand what's happening: it s enough to get a paycheck or a pink slip and pay attention. We re suspicious of the experts who get their credentials from on high, who have incentives to minimize things that are obvious to everyone else.

Like every attempt to construct a scale model of the world, this one is bound to be partial in both senses of the word. To present the whole story, it would have to be as vast as history. There s no way to be unbiased, either: our positions and values inevitably influence what we include and what we leave out. What we offer here is simply one perspective from our side of the counter and our side of the barricades. If it lines up with yours, let's do something about it.

100 SEK

Iskra, s/t - LP

Iskra, s/t - LP

Jesus fucking Christ (figure of speech)! I never heard Black Kronstad, the band from which Iskra was born, but these Canadians are fucking destructive! This is blazing hardcore/punk gone thrash metal with plenty of the classic form of raw black metal littered throughout. I'm talking hyper distortion all over the place, tons of speedy tremolo picking, quick and vicious midpaced breaks, lots of quick rhythmic shifts, and an overall sense of relentless intensity. The vocals alone are fucking insane. I think they've got two or three vocalists, I don't know, but there are shitloads of vocal tradeoffs between varying degrees of distorted screaming, and you can't understand a god damn word of it! That's a shame because the lyrics are sick, but I'll get to that later... and fuck it, the indecipherable vocals definitely add a rarely paralleled sense of aggression to the material. Really though, I could argue that they're not even pronouncing words, but rather enunciating sounds in time with the music (Ala Obituary, baby!) - ha, ha, no joke! Just check out "Acceptance Not Tolerance"... that shit is absolute metal - completely strewn with Scandinavian black metal runs and subtle melodic tinges. "Antisect" is also blazing metal, but in more of an early 80's German thrash take on the D-beat niche, with the black metal speeds creeping in for good measure. Closer "Culture of Cowardice" even sounds like it could've been performed by Dawn on the "Slaughtersun..." album - no shit. Plus, I'm an 80's thrash fanatic, and I'm telling you, the vibe here may be a bit more incendiary, but there are so many bits and pieces of raging early- to mid-80's thrash that I'm fucking loving it! "Ash and Ruin" is one of the only selections that slows things down a bit, and believe me it jumps out as a result - as does the highly unexpected clean intro to the also slower and more dominantly forceful "Threat Inflation". So, I have to say that side B is definitely my favorite on this fucker. Also included among the cuts is an absolutely unrecognizable cover of Bob Dylan's "Masters of War", complete with an excellent explanation of why they covered the track and its history in the scheme of political protest songs. The sound is definitely rugged, but they pull it off for the most part. There's not much bass happening, and the vocals can overpower due to the sheens of distortion hovering above, but I'm fine with it for the most part. I do think the vocals ought to fall back a touch, but you can make out the guitar riffs and that's my main concern since nothing sounds shoddy in my opinion. It would make no sense at all for this stuff to have a clean sound. No way. Visually things look good, using matte finishes colored in red with black and white and lots of bleak imagery and illustrations befitting of the lyrical content. Killer band logo, too. Inside is a poster insert with additional art and text as well as a huge booklet measuring around 8" square with all of the lyrics, additional text, and a massive list of resources. These cats cover their bases, too. Most all of the resources listed are websites, and they go so far as to admit their distaste for the industry of technology while also admitting its usefulness as a tool, encouraging people to make use of the free internet services at most libraries and such. Now, onto those lyrics... The songs are fast, and the vocal patterns are faster, because regardless of whether or not they're really saying all of the words, there are a lot of heavily involved lyrics. Yes, the ballpark topics are pretty standard - homophobia, war, political corruption and greed, etc. But nowhere else are you going to find lyrics that are so unflinchingly bitter in their portrayal of personal opinion/reflection on the current state of affairs in this world with so much effort. "Sure we are scared, sure we may fall, But a lack of choices backs us up against the wall, Look into the fiery furnace not far beneath your feet, See your own children dying in the streets, It's a shadowy world as the sun sets in the sky, Do we choose violent ignorance or penetrate their lies? We can end their reign of blood if we openly criticize, If they refuse to listen they'll pay the hard way for their crimes..." There are a few explanations for certain tracks, and even that content is far more pointed and insightful than 90% of what you'll find with any such band, so I'm highly impressed on all counts there. This one's not gonna be for everyone, but I'm a fan for several reason across the board. If the punk crowd can overlook the metal in the music and the metal crowd can accept the blatant politics in the message, then there are a lot of people who should find some value in this LP. Recommended. It's not easy or casual listening by any means... but certainly recommended.

250 SEK

Sin Dios, Ingobernables - LP

Sin Dios, Ingobernables - LP

Fifth full length from one of the best european Anarcho-HC Punk bands nowadays. More songs in the vein of former records, but more raging & much faster and heavier production. The Lp is a Co-production with Twisted Chords & comes in a gatefold sleeve with different artwork than the spanish version (sold out!) & including 32-pages booklet with english translations of the lyrix & the indepth writings about a lot of other political articles included in the booklet.

250 SEK

Autonomia / Dios Hastío, Vivimos Para Tu Muerte / No Puedes Huir... split-7

Autonomia / Dios Hastío, Vivimos Para Tu Muerte / No Puedes Huir... split-7"

40 SEK

Spitboy, Rasana - 7

Spitboy, Rasana - 7"

40 SEK

Dir Yassin, דיר יאסין* – Hitpakchut - 7

Dir Yassin, דיר יאסין* – Hitpakchut - 7"

Israelian hardcore punk

40 SEK

In stock: 4 pcs

Brother Inferior, Anthems For Greater Salvation - LP

Brother Inferior, Anthems For Greater Salvation - LP

160 SEK

Vårt 80-tal politisk kamp och punk i Stockholm 1985-1989 - book

Vårt 80-tal politisk kamp och punk i Stockholm 1985-1989 - book

I denna fotobok publiceras 185 bilder tagna i Stockholm åren 1985–1989 av 14 ungdomar med tillgång till en spegelreflexkamera och en filmrulle Tri-X. Bilderna togs under fester, aktioner och vardag. Ungdomarna demonstrerade, slogs med polisen och skinnskallar, festade, hade ändlösa stormöten, gick på konserter på Ultrahuset i Handen. De hängde på de numera nedlagda Söderkrogarna Stopet, 11:an, Strömmen och Krönet, gav ut tidningar och affischerade, lagade mat och åkte riket runt och propagerade revolution. Dessutom ockuperade de hus.

Fokus ligger på husockupationer och den politiska aktivism som ungdomarna stod för. Mellan 1985 och 1989 ockuperades flera rivningshotade hus i Stockholm. Ungdomarna som genomförde protestaktionerna menade att fastighetsägarna medvetet lät husen förfalla i ren spekulation i väntan på att marknadspriserna skulle gå upp.

”Med tanke på att bostadsbristen då som nu var enorm, protesterade vi mot att fullt beboeliga hus stod tomma. Alla husen som vi ockuperade på 80-talet står kvar än idag, om det är på grund av oss låter vi vara osagt.”

Bilderna är nu – 30 år senare – kommenterade och placerade i ett sammanhang av dem som var med då. De visar ett stycke Stockholmshistoria som aldrig tidigare publicerats i bokform.

200 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Protestera, Rock n Riot - LP

Protestera, Rock n Riot - LP

After years of waiting the follow-up to their excellent first LP is now available! Nine songs of energetic Anarchopunk tunes with 2 female and one male singer and this time again with a human drummer. They have progressed a lot since their last LP and the songs show a lot of variation from slower to raging fast parts. Production is excellent - very powerful and clear with pounding drums, walls of guitar and aggressive vocals that shout out their urgent political message. Sadly there's no booklet this time, since the police raided the guitarplayers' flat and seized the computer with the artwork - so you have to live with a printed innersleeve with well thought through political lyrix for the first 1000 copies.

100 SEK

Lost World, Tot Aber Haltbar - LP

Lost World, Tot Aber Haltbar - LP

After a longer period of silence Lost World are back with a new Lp. This one is again a perfect combination of melodic and fast songs of political HC-Punk with raspy female vocals. Recordings are much better & more powerful than on their already very good Do7″, but I personally miss a bit the rough edge of their 7″. Comes with big oversized foldout lyric poster packed up in a nicely done sleeve. 

120 SEK

Profane Existence, 47 - zine

Profane Existence, 47 - zine

40 SEK

CHANNEL ZERO / Season 1. 2xDVD

CHANNEL ZERO / Season 1. 2xDVD

This is the complete collection of Channel Zero, a community cable access TV show that aired in San Francisco, CA throughout 2007. Channel Zero was known for featuring DIY and anarcho-punk shows across the US and Europe and interviews celebrating anarchist organizing, punk rock, radical sex, love, and rebels with a cause. The show was hosted and produced by Maximum RocknRoll columnist Erika Ransom, a writer, traveler, video activist and singer and guitarist for the anti-capitalist punk band The Profits. Episodes 1-4 are included on the two DVDs, plus bonus footage, a total of 198 minutes.

Featured Bands: The Subhumans (U.K.), Behind Enemy Lines, The Restarts, Imperial Leather, Vitamin X, Citizen Fish, To What End?, Signal Lost, Peligro Social, Caustic Christ, Surrender, Police Bastard, Annihilation Time, Ballast, Sahn Maru. The venues are as varied as the bands, representing a cross-section of the DIY punk scene today. Live video is from famous collectively run projects such as Gilman Street in Berkeley, ABC No Rio in NYC and AJZ Bielefeld in Germany. Other shows take place at a London squat, Burnt Ramen, basements in Oakland, CA and Boston, MA, a youth center in Sweden, and CBGBs in NYC.

Interviews and Features: Wendy-o Matik, Ramsey Kanaan formerly of AK Press, Ward Churchill, 56@ Infoshop(London), Women of Folsom Street S/M Fair (SF), Friesen Crew (Bremen, DE), Golnar Nikpour of MaximumRocknRoll, Banksy graffiti tour (London), AJZ anti-fascist history (Bielefeld, DE). Bonus features include several short interviews with people who tabled at the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair (SF) in 2007 including Pica of CrimethInc., Talia of Bound Together Anarchist Bookstore, Amy Watson of 1984 Printing, Emily Howard of Z Magazine, Stephen Dunifer of Free Radio Berkeley, Josh Macphee of Just Seeds and Barry Pateman of the Kate Sharpley Library.

80 SEK

In stock: 2 pcs

Protestera / @patia No, split 7

Protestera / @patia No, split 7"

@patia No from Venezuela with four new tracks of brutal anarcho-punk / crust with angry lyrics in spanish language. Protestera from Sweden play two songs of awesome female-fronted anarcho-punk. The EP comes jam-packed with information, and contains two booklets with lyrics and information from eachband (all translated into several languages). Definitely one of those „must have“ type of record.

50 SEK

In stock: 4 pcs

Beyond Pink, Jedan Dva, Jebla Te Ja - LP

Beyond Pink, Jedan Dva, Jebla Te Ja - LP

BEYOND PINK is an all female band from Sweden and after their debut "Cunt-oh-licious" 7" on Cunts On Discount Rec and Lipstick MachinegunRec, they released a second full length LP on Emancypunx Records called "Jedan dva jebla te ja". It contains 12 songs of fast raging angry hardcore with some melodies and tempo changes fronted by two vocalists. This is definitely something for all those into fast hardcore, as well as riot girls sounds and tradition of the 80's Swedish hc/punk. Their music reflects how wide influences they have and it makes their music powerful and kicking. Lyrics of BEYOND PINK are alongside with the music, they reflect anger and critical views on issues like macho/sexist culture, violent dancing, cops, pro-life fundamentalists or corporate capitalism and their financial institutions like WTO and G8. "Jedan Dva, Jebla Te Ja" LP contains 20pgs booklet with lyrics of the band and pics. One out of the 12 songs on the LP is a Misfits cover song.

120 SEK

Profane Existence, 52/53 - zine

Profane Existence, 52/53 - zine

includes CD

80 SEK

La Fraction, Guerre D'espérance - 7

La Fraction, Guerre D'espérance - 7"

50 SEK

Wonderful Copenhagen, An Epilogue for humankind book

Wonderful Copenhagen, An Epilogue for humankind book

Full colour comic that tells the tale of a punk rocker in a post apocalyptic Copenhagen.


80 SEK

You Don't Have To Fuck People Over To Survive - Book

You Don't Have To Fuck People Over To Survive - Book

New York, 1989: as a decade of activism around the urban housing crisis and beyond comes to a close, legendary graphic artist Seth Tobocman is there to document it all in his bold comic style.

You Don't Have to Fuck People Over to Survive collects many of Tobocman's most enduring images in a powerhouse assemblage that cuts right to the heart of 1980s activism. All the high (and low) points are there: the imprisonment of Mumia Abu-Jamal; the rise of Reaganomics; the struggle against apartheid; the Miami Race Riots; and, of course, the turf wars that dominated the city of New York, as activists and low-income families alike demanded their rights to the city's abandoned buildings.

Now available in a brand-new twentieth anniversary edition, this stunning and candid portrait of a decade of struggle to preserve basic human rights and build a better world is sure to appeal to a new generation of activists ready to demand the right to the city, and worthy of a place on the shelf of every historian of urban struggle.

Includes a new introduction by arts activist and historian Alan W. Moore.

150 SEK

Profane Existence, 49 - zine

Profane Existence, 49 - zine

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles

Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles

Squatting offers a radical but simple solution to the crises of housing, homelessness, and the lack of social

space that mark contemporary society: occupying empty buildings and rebuilding lives and communities in

the process. Squatting has a long and complex history, interwoven with the changing and contested nature of

urban politics over the last forty years.

150 SEK

Execradores / 20 Minutes De Chaos, split LP

Execradores / 20 Minutes De Chaos, split LP

80 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Abuso Sonoro / No Violence – Contraataque / Prioridades . Um Dia Por split 7

Abuso Sonoro / No Violence – Contraataque / Prioridades . Um Dia Por split 7"

45 SEK

Soy Not Oi!: 2 - book

Soy Not Oi!: 2 - book

Cast off the chains of corporate food dependency! Twenty-five years after the publication of the original SOY NOT OI, the Hippycore Krew returns with a second volume featuring a worldwide cast of contributors! The new SOY NOT OI is filled with over 200 original vegan recipes, and suggested musical accompaniments. Plus: essays and articles about the origins of Soy Not Oi and living la vida loca - vegan style; a whole chapter on craft beer brewing; inside ribbings, zaniness, vegetables gone mad, and all the rest you would expect.

150 SEK

Paragraf 119, Støtteplade For Anarchist Black Cross København - 12

Paragraf 119, Støtteplade For Anarchist Black Cross København - 12"

Anarchopunk from Copenhagen. Alerta Antifascista release that comes with a foldout cover with awesome artwork.

240 SEK

Piracy is liberation 006. Violence - book

Piracy is liberation 006. Violence - book

The Free Section is being evicted and violence erupts, on both societal and individual levels. Information_copy has been captured by the Infopolice, but can their interrogator break her? The keepers of the violence monopoly do their best as usual to enforce order and control and they are stronger, have better weapons. So who will win in the end? Can there even be a winner?

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Rad Dad: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Fatherhood - book

Rad Dad: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Fatherhood - book

Rad Dad: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Fatherhood combines the best pieces from the award-winning zine Rad Dad and from the blog Daddy Dialectic, two kindred publications that have tried to explore parenting as political territory. Both of these projects have pushed the conversation around fathering beyond the safe, apolitical focus most books and websites stick to; they have not been complacent but have worked hard to create a diverse, multi-faceted space in which to grapple with the complexity of fathering.

Today more than ever, fatherhood demands constant improvisation, risk, and struggle. With grace and honesty and strength, Rad Dad’s writers tackle all the issues that other parenting guides are afraid to touch: the brutalities, beauties, and politics of the birth experience, the challenges of parenting on an equal basis with mothers, the tests faced by transgendered and gay fathers, the emotions of sperm donation, and parental confrontations with war, violence, racism, and incarceration. Rad Dad is for every father out in the real world trying to parent in ways that are loving, meaningful, authentic, and ultimately revolutionary.

150 SEK

Protestera, Kampen går vidare - LP

Protestera, Kampen går vidare - LP

After Operation have split up some members formed with their friends a new collective called "Protestera". In comparison to "Operation" they deliver more midtempo A-Punk, but nonetheless it's way more aggressive than Operation ever were. On top of it they added a drum machine to their line-up & somehow they managed it that it sounds like a real drummer!! Overall lyrical topic is the title "The Struggle Continues". The Lp comes with a 32 pages booklet filled with political lyrics and indebt explanations about the topics they're dealing with in both Swedish & English. Raging stuff!!

80 SEK

CrimethInc.: Contradictionary. a bestiary of words in revolt - book

CrimethInc.: Contradictionary. a bestiary of words in revolt - book

Taschenbuch, Kleinformat, 320 S.


Whence do Stockholm Syndrome and Broken Window Theory derive their names? What is the common root of aristocracy and democracy? Who gets diagnosed with Anarchia and Drapetomania? How did voting kill Edgar Allen Poe, and why is a crater on the dark side of the moon named for the man who blew up the Tsar? Alternately scathing and sublime, Contradictionary pulls back the curtain from the war within every word, revealing the conflict behind the façade of the commonplace.


In the tradition of The Devil’s Dictionary, our Contradictionary assembles a wide range of wit and whimsy. This is no mere miscellany, but a lighthearted work of serious literature, concentrating a wealth of ideas and history into aphorisms and anecdotes.

100 SEK

Disaster and Resistance - Book

Disaster and Resistance - Book

"For years now Seth Tobocman has been taking on the powers that be for all of us. He's not slowing down either—check out the contents of this volume." —Harvey Pekar, groundbreaking graphic novelist and author of American Splendor series
"I repeatedly tried to get more of Tobocman's work onto our pages, but it was deemed too radical. Tobocman won't compromise his principles for money or fashion." —Jerelle Kraus, former art director at the New York Times
"A graphic revelation, an artistic and political document of enormous value in our troubled world." —Paul Buhle, esteemed historian of American radicalism

Disaster and Resistance outlines pressing social and political struggles at the dawn of the twenty-first century—from post 9-11 New York City, to Israel and Palestine, to Iraq and New Orleans. Fans of Seth's classic works, You Don't Have to Fuck People Over to Survive, and War in the Neighborhood, will see that his punch has not softened as his new work skewers the individuals and institutions reaping havoc across the globe today. In his bold comic style, Seth chronicles events as they happen, musing not on the chaos of instability and fear, but on the struggle against it. Includes an introduction by Mumia Abu-Jamal. This book is a call to action, so listen up.
"Once again Seth Tobocman stares straight into the eye of the storm and casts light on the darkness. His complete command of visual storytelling is perfectly matched by his unwavering ability to dissect and explain the most complex and urgent topics of the day. He brings us a behind-the-scenes view from the frontlines, with heart and clarity, and turns static headlines into flesh and blood realities. When people look back on our history, Seth Tobocman's inspiring comics will provide more insight into this era than a thousand newscasts." —Peter Kuper, author of Speechless

Seth Tobocman is one of the founding editors of World War 3 Illustrated, author/illustrator of three collections, an educator,and has shown his work in streets and galleries across the globe—including Exit Art, The Museum of Modern Art, and the New Museum of Contemporary Art.

150 SEK

Terror Y Miseria, s/t 7

Terror Y Miseria, s/t 7"

30 SEK

V/A Die Zähne Zeigt, Wer Das Maul Aufmacht Vol. 2 compiltation CD

V/A Die Zähne Zeigt, Wer Das Maul Aufmacht Vol. 2 compiltation CD

40 SEK

In stock: 4 pcs

Lost World, Capitalism Is The Disease -  2x 7

Lost World, Capitalism Is The Disease - 2x 7"

80 SEK

Drowning Dog, Mix Tapes And Cotton - 7

Drowning Dog, Mix Tapes And Cotton - 7"

political hip hop

65 SEK

In stock: 3 pcs

Axiom / Church Of Nihil / Autonomia – 3 Way Split LP

Axiom / Church Of Nihil / Autonomia – 3 Way Split LP

105 SEK

Protestera, 01.05.1886 - LP

Protestera, 01.05.1886 - LP

New full length from Protestera which gives us a new approach to society and its boundaries. Taking up where Rock n riot left off; raging speed and anger, as fast and aggressive and powerful a-punk could get. 11 songs in total (3 are re-recorded) that show that this band manages to invent themselves over and over again from release to release. The thoughtful lyrix and thoughts are printed in a 36-pages booklet with lots of graphics. The title really says it all; 01.05.1886. The date itself is when the Haymarker massacre took place where five anarchists where sentenced to death for throwing a bomb into a crowd of people. All of them where innocent. Although this was a long time ago, 140 years to be exact, the situation is basicly the same today. If you have an opinion about society that´s not really applied in today´s society, you still will be sentenced for your thoughts.

120 SEK

In stock: 3 pcs

Uncle Charles, In Crust We Trust - 10

Uncle Charles, In Crust We Trust - 10"

Frösön crust attack. Released back in 2004

70 SEK

Winners - book

Winners - book

128 pages of stories about family, nostalgia, chance, witchcraft, sex, abstinence, economy, and revenge. Science fiction in a future that is already old, a dangerous place where winners lose and losers win. Anna comics are inspired by life during wartime, but they are never specifically political. Instead she distills the psyche of a post-apocalyptic culture into jet-black, surreal allegories.

Anna Ehrlemark is well known in Eastern Europe for her unconventional, twisted narratives and her striking visual style. Her comics explore feminist, queer, and anti-capitalist themes and she has been published by the Balkan collectives Stripburger, Fijuk, and Komikaze.

120 SEK

Pussy Riot!: A Punk Prayer For Freedom - book

Pussy Riot!: A Punk Prayer For Freedom - book

SPECIAL TO THE PRINT EDITION: New courtroom statements from October 10 appeal, and tributes by Bianca Jagger, Peaches & Simonne Jones, Tobi Vail, Barbara Browning, Vivien Goldman.

On February 21, 2012, five members of a Russian feminist punk collective Pussy Riot staged a performance in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Dressed in brightly colored tights and balaclavas, they performed their punk prayer, asking the Virgin Mary to drive out Russian president Vladimir Putin from the church. After just forty seconds, they were chased out by security. Three members of the collective, Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, known as Masha, Nadya, and Katya, were later arrested and charged with felony hooliganism motivated by religious hatred. As their trial unfolded, these young women became global feminist icons, garnering the attention and support of activists and artists around the world.

100 SEK

Piracy is liberation 003. Wires - book

Piracy is liberation 003. Wires - book

Erica is a Slave, toiling away at her machine, and she is satisfied with it. She’s got family, friends, food on the table. What does she want with freedom? But something is starting to grow within her. A voice calling itself Information, saying there could be more to life. But the Masters will not stand by as the Slaves free themselves, and Erica will soon find out what her machine really does…

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

The Punk Anarchisms of Class War & Crimethinc. - book

The Punk Anarchisms of Class War & Crimethinc. - book

Many of the connections between punk and anarchism are well recognized (albeit with some important contentions). This recognition is usually focussed on how punk bands and scenes express anarchist political philosophies or anarchistic praxes, while much less attention is paid to expressions of ‘punk’ by anarchist activist groups. This pamphlet examines the distinct, yet overlapping, political approaches of Class War and CrimethInc. They are compared and contrasted, and in doing so, pervasive assumptions about the relationship between punk and anarchism are challenged, refuting the supposed dichotomy between ‘lifestylist’ anarchism and ‘workerist’ anarchism.

50 SEK

In stock: 3 pcs

Execradores / Sin Dios – A Luta! - LP

Execradores / Sin Dios – A Luta! - LP

Sin fronteras release.

175 SEK

Re-Sisters, Riots Not Diets - 7

Re-Sisters, Riots Not Diets - 7"

Those anarcha-feminists are known for being a real pain in the ass for every macho in the Punkscene for years now, got finally their shit together by releasing this 20 minutes 7" with rough, archaic, cutting edge punk with a trumpet & manic sometimes disharmonic screaming, but it grows on you after a few listenings.The record comes in a Crass-like sleeve with a 32 pages booklet filled with lyrics collages & writings about beauty ideals, eating disorders/anorexical disease.

30 SEK

In stock: 3 pcs

Contrasto / Sin Dios, split 7

Contrasto / Sin Dios, split 7"

Split 7". 3 songs for Contrasto and 2 for Sin Dios [all new stuff] for a fast-political-hc split ep....already a classic?
"SIN DIOS is always top notch in my book---quick paced blast of anthemic driving Spanish hardcore with a strong anarchist message. Great, great, great---and this EP serves as good as an introduction to them as any. CONTRASTO are an Italian band that cranks out three tracks of blast-beat fuelled raging hardcore for their side---with rapid fire spat out vocals in Italian. Good split. (MT) Maximum Rock n Roll #259

50 SEK

Punk Illegal, support 3/11 2007 - DVD

Punk Illegal, support 3/11 2007 - DVD

80 SEK

Spit and Passion (Blindspot Graphics) - Book

Spit and Passion (Blindspot Graphics) - Book

Spit and Passion is about the transformative moment when music crashes into a stifling adolescent bedroom and saves you—suddenly, you belong. In this graphic memoir, cult illustrator Cristy C. Road brings "to vivid life the experiences of a queer-identified Latina punk rocker" (Bitch).

At twelve years old, Cristy is trying to balance the values of a Cuban Catholic family with her newfound queer identity, and begins a chronic obsession with the punk band Green Day. In this stunning memoir, Road renders the clash between her rich inner world of fantasy and the numbing suburban conformity she is surrounded by. She finds solace in the closet—where she lets her deep excitement about punk rock foment and, in that angst and euphoria, finds a path to self-acceptance.

Cristy C. Road has reached cult status for work that captures the beauty of the imperfect. Her career began with Greenzine, a punk rock zine, which she made for ten years. She has since published Indestructible, an illustrated novel about high school; Distance Makes the Heart Grow Sick, a postcard book; and Bad Habits, a love story about self-destruction and healing. She has also illustrated countless album covers, book jackets, and political organization propaganda. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

150 SEK

Punk Illegal, support 18/11 2006 - DVD

Punk Illegal, support 18/11 2006 - DVD

80 SEK

Brother Inferior, Six More Reasons... 7

Brother Inferior, Six More Reasons... 7"

40 SEK

In stock: 2 pcs

Boycot / Yuppiecrusher – Split 7

Boycot / Yuppiecrusher – Split 7"

30 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 008. Spiders pt. 2 - book

Piracy is liberation 008. Spiders pt. 2 - book

More Spiders! More adventures in the deeper reaches of the information sea! Also in this issue: A look into the halls of power (what does it take to become Master of the Week?)! Life on the street level (what’s life like when you don’t need to pay rent?)! Theological discussions (is it ok to kill a potential semi-god?)! Timetravel (can Technograph change the past?)! Will Purple survive beta-testing the Information Upgrade (and what might she wake up by doing it?)? Don’t miss the conclusion to the Spiders story!

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

The Last of the Hippies: An Hysterical Romance - book

The Last of the Hippies: An Hysterical Romance - book

First published in 1982 as part of Crass’s album Christ The Album. This text is one of the seminal “anarcho-punk” tirades against all that the Thatcher years encompassed. Now with a new self critical introduction and in a neat spined pocket book format from Active, this is a nicely produced small format paperback.

50 SEK

The Super-Happy Anarcho Fun Book

The Super-Happy Anarcho Fun Book

Sixteen issues of The Super-Happy Anarcho Fun Pages, plus the special issue Rolling Dumpster and a collection of Doomsday Mountain Earth First! comics all under one cover at long last.The Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages ran for six years, from 2004-2010, and cover such subjects as: anarchy, squatting, direct action, animal liberation, dishes, endless meetings, cliquishness, infighting, pacifists, liberals, shoplifting, environmentalism, free trade, and book fairs.

120 SEK

Aus-Rotten, Fuck Nazi Sympathy -7

Aus-Rotten, Fuck Nazi Sympathy -7"

Havoc records release

80 SEK

Piracy is liberation 011. Demockracy - book

Piracy is liberation 011. Demockracy - book

Election Day is coming! But it’s an election where there is no real choice. A two-party system where both parties follow the will of the Market, the will of the Holy Corporations and their Priests. Where your influence is an illusion designed to keep you consuming, keep you selling your time to produce wealth for the Masters.
Compete, consume, conform, and vote!

40 SEK

Punk and Anarchist Squats in Poland - zine

Punk and Anarchist Squats in Poland - zine

This zine, drawn from ethnographic research carried out in 2013/14, explores the issues around punk and anarchist squats in Poland.

50 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Protestera, Zora - 7

Protestera, Zora - 7"

Protestera are back after a while in hiatus. This EP show us feminism from an anarchapunk point of view. Compared to the Kampen går vidare, the act has progressed and developed up to this release. Much thanks to Victoria; you still have the classical Protestera sound intact. This is still extremely political punk, with lyrics that says something. Something that should be obvious to all human beings, but are not.

50 SEK

Piracy is liberation 001. Information wants to be free - book

Piracy is liberation 001. Information wants to be free - book

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - Book

Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - Book

Originally published in 1987 by the now defunct Camdem Press, this undisputed classic of anarchist introductory texts returns in an updated version from Anne Bonny Books. Clifford Harper's artwork has been used and abused throughout the world by anarchist zinesters, poster designers, bookfair organisers and the like. His bold striking style lends a militant strength to the revolutionary subjects he depicts. Clifford published several books of his artwork through his own Agraphia Books. Most are still available from good radical outlets!

"It seems Clifford decided to redo this book in his new artwork style and not to reissue this version. I heard rumours that a couple of well known anarchist publishers were going to publish it but after many years waiting it seems he has the artistic equivalent of writers block! Judging from the sample work he has posted on his social media pages the new book will be very different to this one —more extensive in its scope and detail. I reckon this book is a classic as it is but I took the liberty of updating it slightly. It was one of the books I grew up with —as a fledgling anarchist!— alongside V for Vendetta, Malatesta, Kropotkin and Emma Goldman. I make no apology for pirating this book but I do want to thank Clifford Harper for the inspiration that his artwork has given me and everyone over the years and I wish him all the best with finishing his new book soon.' 
– Anne Bonny

80 SEK

Profane Existence, 46 - zine

Profane Existence, 46 - zine

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

A//Political, Punk Is A Ghetto - 7

A//Political, Punk Is A Ghetto - 7"


160 SEK

Protestera, Gränslösa Land - 7

Protestera, Gränslösa Land - 7"

The EP tells the story of Dawit Isaak, a Swede-Eritrean journalist, author and playwriter. He came to Sweden as refugee 1987 and got Swedish citizenship 1992. In September 2001, he and other journalists where arrested for demanding democratic reforms in Eritrea. Without a fair trial, he has now served more than 1,518 days in prison. Despite the fact that Dawit Isaak is a swedish citizen, the swedish government has done nothing to try to set him free.

50 SEK

In stock: 4 pcs

Abuso Sonoro / Amor, Protesto Y Ódio – Infância Armada = Bewaffnete Kinderzeit = Enfance Armée = Armed Childhood = Infanzia Armata = 武装した幼少時代 - LP

Abuso Sonoro / Amor, Protesto Y Ódio – Infância Armada = Bewaffnete Kinderzeit = Enfance Armée = Armed Childhood = Infanzia Armata = 武装した幼少時代 - LP

Great record from these Brazilian anarcho-political bands.
Abuso Sonoro side is probably their best stuff ever, great HC-crust in the way of Hiatus' 2° LP, fast and heavy!
Amor Protesto Y Odio side is great too with more heavy breaks and two vocals a-là Disaffect!
Comes with a 16 pages booklet with lyrics and opinions translated in English.

80 SEK

In stock: 2 pcs

Piracy is liberation 004. Copies and originals - book

Piracy is liberation 004. Copies and originals - book

Piracy is liberation is set in the far future. After the apocalypse came true (not necesserily the biblical one, but the one that it was an interpretation of), the world and humankind has restarted. They are still taking their first steps, but unsure of what direction to go. The old world is dead, long live the new flesh!

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Off the map - book

Off the map - book

A punk rock vision quest told in the tradition of the anarchist travel story, Off the Map is narrated by two young women as they discard their maps, fears, and anything resembling a plan, and set off on the winds of the world. Without the smug cynicism that seems to permeate most modern radical tales, this story is told with genuine hope, and a voice that never loses its connection with the mysteries of life, even in the midst of everyday tragedies. Wandering across Europe, the dozens of vignettes are the details of the whole—a squatted castle surrounded by tourists on the Spanish coast, a philosophizing businessman on the highways of France, a plaça full of los crustos in Barcelona, a diseased foot in a Belgian train squat, a glow bug on the dew-covered grass of anywhere—a magical, novel-like folktale for the end of the world. 146 pages long with a cover featuring original artwork by

100 SEK

Swordwielder, Wielding metal massacre, mini LP

150 SEK

Swordwielder, Wielding metal massacre, mini LP

Kenta, Vilket drag Alltså, BLACK t-shirt

160 SEK

Kenta, Vilket drag Alltså, BLACK t-shirt

Kenta, vilket drag asså, T-shirt

160 SEK

Kenta, vilket drag asså, T-shirt

Ursut, logo small - patch

10 SEK

Ursut, logo small - patch


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