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Piracy is liberation 008. Spiders pt. 2 - book

Piracy is liberation 008. Spiders pt. 2 - book

More Spiders! More adventures in the deeper reaches of the information sea! Also in this issue: A look into the halls of power (what does it take to become Master of the Week?)! Life on the street level (what’s life like when you don’t need to pay rent?)! Theological discussions (is it ok to kill a potential semi-god?)! Timetravel (can Technograph change the past?)! Will Purple survive beta-testing the Information Upgrade (and what might she wake up by doing it?)? Don’t miss the conclusion to the Spiders story!

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 007. Spiders pt.1 - book

Piracy is liberation 007. Spiders pt.1 - book

The gods are real, but most of them are dead. Pirate learns this and many more secrets from the anarchists in the desert as he gets his new assignment. Something is moving on the net. Some kind of entities seem to be interfering with its users. Are these signs of the birth of a new god, or is it something else entirely? And how does it affect the plans for the Information Upgrade that the anarchists are planning? We also get some insight into everyday religious life in the City through the surveillance cameras of a Shopping Temple…

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 006. Violence - book

Piracy is liberation 006. Violence - book

The Free Section is being evicted and violence erupts, on both societal and individual levels. Information_copy has been captured by the Infopolice, but can their interrogator break her? The keepers of the violence monopoly do their best as usual to enforce order and control and they are stronger, have better weapons. So who will win in the end? Can there even be a winner?

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 005. Free section - book

Piracy is liberation 005. Free section - book

What happens when the rules suddenly change, when law and order are put out of the picture? When the police can do nothing but watch as people party in the streets? What happens when even the rules of reality can be broken? What does it mean to go Outside for the first time? These are stories from the Free Section and beyond…

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 004. Copies and originals - book

Piracy is liberation 004. Copies and originals - book

Piracy is liberation is set in the far future. After the apocalypse came true (not necesserily the biblical one, but the one that it was an interpretation of), the world and humankind has restarted. They are still taking their first steps, but unsure of what direction to go. The old world is dead, long live the new flesh!

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 003. Wires - book

Piracy is liberation 003. Wires - book

Erica is a Slave, toiling away at her machine, and she is satisfied with it. She’s got family, friends, food on the table. What does she want with freedom? But something is starting to grow within her. A voice calling itself Information, saying there could be more to life. But the Masters will not stand by as the Slaves free themselves, and Erica will soon find out what her machine really does…

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 002. Infotrip - book

Piracy is liberation 002. Infotrip - book

Story and art by Mattias Elforp. Set a year after the first book, we follow Pirate and Information as they rejoin the fight for freedom in the City that is the entire world to its inhabitants. Back in the free and illegal flow of information after a year without it, Pirate and Information are almost overwhelmed, but that's ok. It's part of the high. This all leads up to an event of great importance for the resistance. It's the beginning of something new, a seed for the future.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Piracy is liberation 001. Information wants to be free - book

Piracy is liberation 001. Information wants to be free - book

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Winners - book

Winners - book

128 pages of stories about family, nostalgia, chance, witchcraft, sex, abstinence, economy, and revenge. Science fiction in a future that is already old, a dangerous place where winners lose and losers win. Anna comics are inspired by life during wartime, but they are never specifically political. Instead she distills the psyche of a post-apocalyptic culture into jet-black, surreal allegories.

Anna Ehrlemark is well known in Eastern Europe for her unconventional, twisted narratives and her striking visual style. Her comics explore feminist, queer, and anti-capitalist themes and she has been published by the Balkan collectives Stripburger, Fijuk, and Komikaze.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

120 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Soy Not Oi!: 2 - book

Soy Not Oi!: 2 - book

Cast off the chains of corporate food dependency! Twenty-five years after the publication of the original SOY NOT OI, the Hippycore Krew returns with a second volume featuring a worldwide cast of contributors! The new SOY NOT OI is filled with over 200 original vegan recipes, and suggested musical accompaniments. Plus: essays and articles about the origins of Soy Not Oi and living la vida loca - vegan style; a whole chapter on craft beer brewing; inside ribbings, zaniness, vegetables gone mad, and all the rest you would expect.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

150 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Work: Capitalism. Economics. Resistance - Book

Work: Capitalism. Economics. Resistance - Book

By itself, this is a book about work, but it's also more than that. It is an outline of an analysis of capitalism: what it is, how it works, how we might dis-mantle it. And the book and the analysis are outgrowths of something more a movement of people determined to fight it.

So this book isn't just an attempt to describe reality but also a tool with which to change it. If any of the words or illustrations resonate with you, don't leave them trapped on these pages write them on the wall, shout them over the intercom at your former workplace, change them as you see fit and release them into the world.

This project is the combined effort of a group of people who have already spent many years in pitched struggle against capitalism. What qualifies us to write this? Some of us used to be students or pizza deliverers or dishwashers; others still are construction workers or graphic designers or civic-minded criminals. But all of us have lived under capitalism since we were born, and that makes us experts on it. The same goes for you. No one has to have a degree in economics to understand what's happening: it s enough to get a paycheck or a pink slip and pay attention. We re suspicious of the experts who get their credentials from on high, who have incentives to minimize things that are obvious to everyone else.

Like every attempt to construct a scale model of the world, this one is bound to be partial in both senses of the word. To present the whole story, it would have to be as vast as history. There s no way to be unbiased, either: our positions and values inevitably influence what we include and what we leave out. What we offer here is simply one perspective from our side of the counter and our side of the barricades. If it lines up with yours, let's do something about it.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

100 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

The Punk Anarchisms of Class War & Crimethinc. - book

The Punk Anarchisms of Class War & Crimethinc. - book

Many of the connections between punk and anarchism are well recognized (albeit with some important contentions). This recognition is usually focussed on how punk bands and scenes express anarchist political philosophies or anarchistic praxes, while much less attention is paid to expressions of ‘punk’ by anarchist activist groups. This pamphlet examines the distinct, yet overlapping, political approaches of Class War and CrimethInc. They are compared and contrasted, and in doing so, pervasive assumptions about the relationship between punk and anarchism are challenged, refuting the supposed dichotomy between ‘lifestylist’ anarchism and ‘workerist’ anarchism.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

50 SEK

In stock: 3 pcs

Punk and Anarchist Squats in Poland - zine

Punk and Anarchist Squats in Poland - zine

This zine, drawn from ethnographic research carried out in 2013/14, explores the issues around punk and anarchist squats in Poland.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

50 SEK

In stock: 2 pcs

Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - Book

Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - Book

Originally published in 1987 by the now defunct Camdem Press, this undisputed classic of anarchist introductory texts returns in an updated version from Anne Bonny Books. Clifford Harper's artwork has been used and abused throughout the world by anarchist zinesters, poster designers, bookfair organisers and the like. His bold striking style lends a militant strength to the revolutionary subjects he depicts. Clifford published several books of his artwork through his own Agraphia Books. Most are still available from good radical outlets!

"It seems Clifford decided to redo this book in his new artwork style and not to reissue this version. I heard rumours that a couple of well known anarchist publishers were going to publish it but after many years waiting it seems he has the artistic equivalent of writers block! Judging from the sample work he has posted on his social media pages the new book will be very different to this one —more extensive in its scope and detail. I reckon this book is a classic as it is but I took the liberty of updating it slightly. It was one of the books I grew up with —as a fledgling anarchist!— alongside V for Vendetta, Malatesta, Kropotkin and Emma Goldman. I make no apology for pirating this book but I do want to thank Clifford Harper for the inspiration that his artwork has given me and everyone over the years and I wish him all the best with finishing his new book soon.' 
– Anne Bonny

Restocked: 2023-08-09

80 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

The Super-Happy Anarcho Fun Book

The Super-Happy Anarcho Fun Book

Sixteen issues of The Super-Happy Anarcho Fun Pages, plus the special issue Rolling Dumpster and a collection of Doomsday Mountain Earth First! comics all under one cover at long last.The Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages ran for six years, from 2004-2010, and cover such subjects as: anarchy, squatting, direct action, animal liberation, dishes, endless meetings, cliquishness, infighting, pacifists, liberals, shoplifting, environmentalism, free trade, and book fairs.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

120 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

Vårt 80-tal politisk kamp och punk i Stockholm 1985-1989 - book

Vårt 80-tal politisk kamp och punk i Stockholm 1985-1989 - book

I denna fotobok publiceras 185 bilder tagna i Stockholm åren 1985–1989 av 14 ungdomar med tillgång till en spegelreflexkamera och en filmrulle Tri-X. Bilderna togs under fester, aktioner och vardag. Ungdomarna demonstrerade, slogs med polisen och skinnskallar, festade, hade ändlösa stormöten, gick på konserter på Ultrahuset i Handen. De hängde på de numera nedlagda Söderkrogarna Stopet, 11:an, Strömmen och Krönet, gav ut tidningar och affischerade, lagade mat och åkte riket runt och propagerade revolution. Dessutom ockuperade de hus.

Fokus ligger på husockupationer och den politiska aktivism som ungdomarna stod för. Mellan 1985 och 1989 ockuperades flera rivningshotade hus i Stockholm. Ungdomarna som genomförde protestaktionerna menade att fastighetsägarna medvetet lät husen förfalla i ren spekulation i väntan på att marknadspriserna skulle gå upp.

”Med tanke på att bostadsbristen då som nu var enorm, protesterade vi mot att fullt beboeliga hus stod tomma. Alla husen som vi ockuperade på 80-talet står kvar än idag, om det är på grund av oss låter vi vara osagt.”

Bilderna är nu – 30 år senare – kommenterade och placerade i ett sammanhang av dem som var med då. De visar ett stycke Stockholmshistoria som aldrig tidigare publicerats i bokform.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

200 SEK

In stock: 1 pcs

CrimethInc.: Contradictionary. a bestiary of words in revolt - book

CrimethInc.: Contradictionary. a bestiary of words in revolt - book

Taschenbuch, Kleinformat, 320 S.


Whence do Stockholm Syndrome and Broken Window Theory derive their names? What is the common root of aristocracy and democracy? Who gets diagnosed with Anarchia and Drapetomania? How did voting kill Edgar Allen Poe, and why is a crater on the dark side of the moon named for the man who blew up the Tsar? Alternately scathing and sublime, Contradictionary pulls back the curtain from the war within every word, revealing the conflict behind the façade of the commonplace.


In the tradition of The Devil’s Dictionary, our Contradictionary assembles a wide range of wit and whimsy. This is no mere miscellany, but a lighthearted work of serious literature, concentrating a wealth of ideas and history into aphorisms and anecdotes.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

100 SEK

Sold out

The Last of the Hippies: An Hysterical Romance - book

The Last of the Hippies: An Hysterical Romance - book

First published in 1982 as part of Crass’s album Christ The Album. This text is one of the seminal “anarcho-punk” tirades against all that the Thatcher years encompassed. Now with a new self critical introduction and in a neat spined pocket book format from Active, this is a nicely produced small format paperback.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

50 SEK

Sold out

Piracy is liberation 011. Demockracy - book

Piracy is liberation 011. Demockracy - book

Election Day is coming! But it’s an election where there is no real choice. A two-party system where both parties follow the will of the Market, the will of the Holy Corporations and their Priests. Where your influence is an illusion designed to keep you consuming, keep you selling your time to produce wealth for the Masters.
Compete, consume, conform, and vote!

Restocked: 2023-08-09

40 SEK

Sold out

Spit and Passion (Blindspot Graphics) - Book

Spit and Passion (Blindspot Graphics) - Book

Spit and Passion is about the transformative moment when music crashes into a stifling adolescent bedroom and saves you—suddenly, you belong. In this graphic memoir, cult illustrator Cristy C. Road brings "to vivid life the experiences of a queer-identified Latina punk rocker" (Bitch).

At twelve years old, Cristy is trying to balance the values of a Cuban Catholic family with her newfound queer identity, and begins a chronic obsession with the punk band Green Day. In this stunning memoir, Road renders the clash between her rich inner world of fantasy and the numbing suburban conformity she is surrounded by. She finds solace in the closet—where she lets her deep excitement about punk rock foment and, in that angst and euphoria, finds a path to self-acceptance.

Cristy C. Road has reached cult status for work that captures the beauty of the imperfect. Her career began with Greenzine, a punk rock zine, which she made for ten years. She has since published Indestructible, an illustrated novel about high school; Distance Makes the Heart Grow Sick, a postcard book; and Bad Habits, a love story about self-destruction and healing. She has also illustrated countless album covers, book jackets, and political organization propaganda. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Restocked: 2023-08-09

150 SEK

Sold out

Wonderful Copenhagen, An Epilogue for humankind book

80 SEK

Wonderful Copenhagen, An Epilogue for humankind book

CrimethInc.: Contradictionary. a bestiary of words in revolt - book

100 SEK

CrimethInc.: Contradictionary. a bestiary of words in revolt - book

Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles

150 SEK

Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles

Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - Book

80 SEK

Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - Book

Smog / Electric Masochist, split LP

150 SEK

Smog / Electric Masochist, split LP

Added: 2024-10-03

Anti Cimex, the Complete demos collection 1982-1983 - LP

150 SEK

Anti Cimex, the Complete demos collection 1982-1983 - LP

Added: 2024-10-09

Smog / Ergophoboia, Paranoid visions - split 10"

150 SEK

Smog / Ergophoboia, Paranoid visions - split 10"

Added: 2024-10-03

Idiot Ikon, logo - patch

15 SEK

Idiot Ikon, logo - patch

Added: 2024-09-23


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