All These While -DIY hardcore from Malaysia. 10 songs. Highscore -fastcore from Germany (RIP) 11 songs, 5 live.
Restocked: 2017-07-13
50 SEK
In stock: 1 pcs
This is a split release by two bands from Sweden with a total of seven band members, six of whom are female. Both bands play raw and energetic punk rock the old fashioned way, but they both do it differently. The main features of Kamikatze's music are that it's fast, simple and very pissed off, while Disco Volante chooses a slightly melodic, more rock 'n' roll influenced approach with lots of guitar solos. Both bands are pretty good at what they're doing, but another thing they have in common is that the vocals can get a tad annoying after a while. Kamikatze's vocals sound so pissed that at times they verge on hysteria, while Disco Volante's occasional off key attempts at singing come off a bit twangy. Nevertheless, both bands present five originals and a cover tune each (Kamikatze does Kamikaze Attack's "Kamika(t)ze Attack", Disco Volante does The Misfits' "Children in Heat") that are worth checking out if you're into old fashioned punk rock.400 Colpi "Homo homini Lupus" CD "Homo Homini Lupus" is one of the best Metal/hc debut out from ITALY . You will enter in a world of pain through 10 tracks of raging metal/Hc, play fast, play loud with screams from the heart exploding thanks two furious singers in the old italian Hc tradition.
In stock: 2 pcs
The Intro track on this album reminds me of a classic rock styled song. It was pretty cool albeit a bit sloppy so I had a feeling that it wasn’t the style of the whole album. The first song kicks in with a faster and more distorted, faster version of the intro. This song sets the record off to a very energetic start. The song is definitely the most catchy on the album and one of the most upbeat making it my personal favorite track. The music has a very 80’s hardcore sound with a modern feel to it. They tend to stick in the mid paced range never going too fast or too slow. The distortion used is very light giving that vintage punk rock feel to it. Anything heavier would take away the personality of the music and would just sound like any other punk band. I like that they are not afraid to do things that would normally not be done on a punk record like the classic rock intro and the use of a harmonica at the beginning of another. The vocals are yelled adding to that 80’s sound. They are gruff enough to not be singing but light enough to feel some emotion behind them. The vocalist is well suited to his duties and brings the whole band together making it into a wonderful orgy of punk rock music to your ears. This is a band that can stand on its own merits while paying homage to early hardcore bands without stealing the sound of these bands and without coming off as another generic band looking to fuck the system. It is a breath of fresh air when you get a band that is doing something different than the current trends and doing it well. This band has reminded what I loved about those bands. (Travis Assault)
Hardcorepunk from Germany
Mixed by Zantralstudio Mainz Produced by hd, Matula Records, Klingbim released 2002 by Matula Records
40 SEK
DANGER!MAN is a band from Oslo, Norway. The band includes members of Norwegian hardcore punk royalty (LIFE BUT HOW TO LIVE IT, SO MUCH HATE, DRUNK, 2:20, amongst many others) which gives them a reassuringly familiar feel. “The Blame Game” blasts through twelve tracks of fast and furious hardcore punk, and DANGER!MAN deliver a debut album that will make people sit up and take notice...
Sub Alert, cover of the month 2010 - CD
APPENDIX ekkat 35 voutta CD digypack Compilation cd, contains 17 songs of different albums! Cd digypack for their mexican tour
In stock: 9 pcs
Sick Terror (Brasil), Dios Hastío (Perú), Ekkaia (España), Coche Bomba (Francia), Artimus Pyle (USA), Migra Violenta (Argentina), Kent Brockman (Alemania), Vitamin X (Países Bajos), L'amico de Martucci (Italia), Altercado, Marcel Duchamp (Chile), y Rash (México).
In stock: 6 pcs
--brazilian fast and powerful hardcore-punk (discography containing all their singles and splits)--- 2000-2003 recordings
REACCION PROPIA are passionate powerful hardcore from Bogota, Colombia. They're not the sounds of a so-called "South American type HC" but are very emotional, melodic and metallic. And, they have great anarchist social/political lyrics filled with love and anger. In additon, there's a very considered view to this exact, cruel capitalist system in their lyrics. This CD is Japanese version of their 1st album (2004), and the English translations of lyrics and its Japanese translations that do not exist on the original Colombian version released from their own "PERSISTENSIA RECORDS" is newly added to this CD. The artwork is also another new version. 10 songs in all. They're very important band that can know another wonderful South American hardcore.
Mexican hardcorepunk
In stock: 4 pcs
Spanish bands play harcore crust. This id their debut CD. Taken influence from Tragedy, Disfear, His Hero Is Gone, Uranus, Ultimo Preso, Bad Taste
Etacarinae are a dark, melodic crust band from Spain and Portugal. In 2002, they released their self-titled EP on Humildady Honestidad Records. Their newest album In These Dark Times was released in 2008 through Black Seeds Records.
Are you ready for the new assault of italian HC? Another band showing the world what we mean by New Wave of Italian Crust!! Heavy and powerful metallicrust filled with melodies and old school Italian anger. Addicted to Sweden!!"Charging like a bull with his nuts strapped in a knot comes this raging Italian metallic crust band. Not to have their influence confused, DISPREZZO proudly swear their allegiance with the words "Addicted to Sweden" displayed on the back cover; it's not hard to hear why. This is sheer studded-jacket-sporting crust that should make WOLFBRIGADE proud wih more energy and propulsive riffing than most. I of course love the super fucking metal guitars, but punks and metalheads alike should appreciate the breakneck pace, furious vocals and politically-charged Italian lyrics. Fukkin' brootal." (EL) Maximum Rock n Roll #259
In stock: 3 pcs
45 songs that include the 12 "Vector de la muerte" plus a mix of all albums and split. Coche Bomba were five jerks from Lyon starting playing fast, violent and distorted Hardcore Punk at the beginning of the Nineties. Not that they were ahead of their time, but their quirky sound, machine-gun drumming, odd tempo changes, were not that common by French standards back then... Instead of following trends or imitating bands, Coche Bomba rather developped its personal musical approach. Lyrics, alternatively sung in French, English and Spanish dealt mostly with socio-political issues. Despite being unappreciated and misunderstood in their early years, the band managed to gain recognition in the European H/C scene from the 90s
Malmö's CDCP (Complete drunx & Chaospunx) Debut EP from 2008, including instantclassics like "All We Need Is Hate" and "Two Eyes For An Eye". This is a MUST have!Formed back in 2008, CDCP deliver a full frontal sonic assault standing with one foot in Punk and with the other in Hardcore. '040 Hatebrigade' combines great songwriting & outstanding musical performance with a top-notch production making it one of the most interesting releases that came out of the SwedishPunk scene in 2008!
20 SEK
Damn, here's some raging hardcore/punk from Holland that's chock full of dissonance that adds a really dark and ominous edge to their songwriting. Similarities could be cited to a few other bands (I'd definitely mention Catharsis), but for the most part I actually think these guys are pretty creative and have a little of their own sound going on.
Here we have pure d-beat orgy with tones of modern crustcore guitar leads and riffs, melodic and catchy bridges, fast drums and dual male vocals, both angry and mean. I know you think From Ashes Rise (also Never Built Ruins and the other brutal neo-crust german bands) etc and you should do, but here is something bigger than just "neo-crust" label, it's about heart, passion and beating, or even better i like to think is the legacy of another great finnish band called Sharpeville. So, be ready to feel the sky crushing you.
hird album of the band from Heidelberg with american singer. Great mixture of Oi, Ska and Punk with singalong choirs. Sound is like Clash and the Specials...
Tortured dual male/female vocals, from this CT band, taking off where they left off on the LP. The songs on this are due to appear on two 7"s, but were not ready for their tour - hence this CD. They've since got Matt on guitar and have certainly got harder and faster. 8 songs of blistering crustcore/d-beat mayhem, that are top notch in their execution and recording quality. All played at an adrenalin drenched fastish pace, with plenty of slow harrowing heavy breakdowns which soon pick up the gaunlet and kick into gear again. The dual vocals suit the mood and have a real early ENT vibe, coupled with a STATE OF FEAR, WARTORN, classic Swedish sound and a pissed off fury that throws caution to the wind and gives us some truely impressive songs that are easily part of the forefront of amazing bands existing today. Topics such as abortion, immigration, mental illness, poseur punks (who aren't worth the patches on their clothes) and many more suffer the onslaught that is MAN THE CONVEYORS, ripping them apart in a poetic and passionate venom spat fury that cries of injustice. Suitably angry artwork accompanies their words, driving their message home even further. Released my their guitarist Matt and you really need to get this as I've been listening to it constantly.
Ursut, köp dig lycklig - CD
Ursut, Dårarnas Paradis - CD
Resist, Resistography - CD
100 SEK
Swordwielder, Grim visions of battle - CD
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