Restocked: 2016-05-04
100 SEK
Bakounine come from Bretagne, France and this is their first vinyl record, we first met them back in 2011 when i posted their Drum Machine Years discography cd and later when i posted their second demo . In a brief account of the facts, they formed in 2008, recorded a demo and split cdrs and sometime in 2010 they left the drum machine back home, they added a drummer, they started playing in several gigs and recorded their second demo, in 2013 they became a quartet since they added a new singer and recorded the tracks for their vinyl record.
The second album by this killer band from Slovenia! The music itself is fantastic with a crusty sound that reminds a lot of Scottish Anarcho/crust bands like Scatha, Sedition and Constant Fear. Real kinda filthy Crust that seems to take the best parts of the best bands and mash it into their sound. Artwork done by Stiv. This is great stuff and well worth checking out.
very ltd edion picture disc of the first lp ,300 press raging hardcore/crust punk prices are uk ppd,, Europe/row get in touch ,
French female fronted anarchopunk, melodic punk rock
French female fronted anarcho punk, great melodies and feelings for a revolution
There's really no introduction necessary about this classic anarcho punk band from London!!! On the 2xLP are their sold out records (Object, Refuse, Reject, Abuse 7", Never Mind Dirt Here's The Bollocks 12", Just An Error Lp + their never released 2nd 7" & their demo). The Cd contains everything they have recorded during the years!
140 SEK
Female fronted anarchopunk from France
Restocked: 2016-05-03
2014 release of Death Burning's "Before the Nightmare". Released on No Bread Records. Crusty fucking d-beat from France. I really don't know anything about this band, so hopefully someone from the band sees this to add some information.
Definitely recommended. This band deserves more attention than they get, hopefully they'll continue to improve and turn more heads in the process. (7/10)
120 SEK
Remains Of The Day was a melodic crust band with violin from Portland, Oregon. 3 of them went on after the band stopped playing and started The Estranged in 2006, the others were members of Hellshock, From Ashes Rise, Warcry, Lebenden Toten etc. This record has been released first in 2001 by Yellow Dog on vinyl, Crimes Against Humanity on cd and Insane Society on tape. This is a licensed by the band repress you shouldn't miss at all!
Industrial punk from the UK
60 SEK
Silence is a heavy and dark hardcore punk with depressive and at times angry lyrics. These lads were influenced by the likes of Madame Germen, From Ashes Rise or His Hero is Gone. Easpa Measa play dark melodic crust with female/male vocals influenced by Jobbycrust and Thin Lizzy Lyrically they do not avoid difficult social issues and do not forget where they are coming from. That DIY hardcore punk is really a community, a network of friends beyond political borders and boundaries.
Awesome dissonant sludge violence from Germany! Insuiciety play a sort of off-kilter, sinister brand of metallic sludgecore that sets itself apart from the hordes of Grief/Eyehategod disciples out there through the distinctively tortured and fucked up vocals of singer Ajka. Her heavily accented snarls and screams add an insane vibe to these songs, which features massive downtuned mid-paced doomage, spacey instrumental breaks, and sour, dissonant riffage cut with some surprisingly melodic hooks and weird rhythmic changes. It's like a gnarly mixture of 13's crust dirge, Kylesa, Polish anarchist hardcore slowed down to a molasses drip, chugging dirge reminiscent of early Isis, and Graves At Sea, a grim battle march through riot consumed streets and barren urban wastes, with nihilistic lyrics and apocalyptic imagery. © CRUCIAL BLAST
D-beat crust from Philly vs crust core violence from Finland. DisSystema features members of AOS and Diallo among others playing a style of crust somewhere between Doom and Discharge.
Classic youth power crust!The recording is super: really heavy sound for a D-beat monument!Split Release with Angry rec.
Anarchopunk formely based in Germany
150 SEK
Swordwielder, Wielding metal massacre, mini LP
偏執症者 Paranoid, S.C.U.M. - 7” Limited swamp green vinyl
50 SEK
Ursut, köp dig lycklig - CD
Uncurbed, Keeps The Banner High - LP colored vinyl
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